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Basic Employer's Information
Employer's ID  ZJ077
Views:  9612

View The Employer's Location
Type  Private  Training Center
City  Hangzhou Zhejiang       
Job name   English and Japanese Teachers
Qualification Certificate   Have
Basic Qualifications for Application
Gender  Both
Vacancy  3
 Bachelor or above
Specialty  Unrequired
Work Experience
Nationality  Japanese and Native English speaker,such as British, Canadian, American, Australian, New Zealander and European,etc.
Other Statements
Contract Terms
Salary   8500 - 9000 RMB/M
Time to teach
 6-10 Months
Start Date  Oct.2014
Finish Date
Period/week  18 Period/W
 Oral English
Students' age  5 - 18 years old
Paid Holiday
International Airfare  Other Medical Allowance  RMB1300/Year Provide
Telephone Allowance   Travel Allowance   RMB/Year
Other Allowance

International Airfare: RMB4200

Sample Contract
View Contract:   
Contact Information
Contact Person  Angelina's ESL Cafe
 Foreign Affairs Office
Tel No.  +8610-51663658
Fax No.
Brief Introduction about Employer


Hangzhou is one of China’s premier tourist destinations. It offers a unique combination of spectacular scenic areas and a vibrant and modern city. Hangzhou is an exceptional place to live and experience the best that living in China has to offer.


This English School is a bright, modern school.The school operates to standard This English School principles, and teachers and students alike can expect the same excellent work and study conditions. The schools are fully equipped with course books and classroom materials and there is a dedicated teacher’s room, complete with free internet access in each location. There are Chinese receptionists at the school to deal with students’ enquiries and the day to day administration of the schools. Teachers teach in a variety of locations including This English Schools, public kindergartens, elementary schools and company offices.

Teachers at This School teach students of all ages and abilities, from three year old children to young professionals in companies. In This Training Centers, young learners are grouped by age with a maximum of 18 students per class;


Very Young Learners
Playgroup - For students between 3-4 years old this course is a gentle introduction to English for very young learners. The emphasis is firmly on providing a fun and enjoyable environment for the students to begin learning English. We use the Playtime and EAZY-Colour books developed by This English School and published by Saxon court ELT over a flexible 2-year syllabus.
Kindergarten - More demanding than the playgroup course but still with fun as a vital component, the kindergarten course takes 5-6 year olds up to the start of Elementary school. The course uses the FAB series of books and song CDs developed by This English School and Saxon court ELT.

Lower – A course for students aged 7-9 years, using the This Primary English Course (SPEC) series of books. Students learn in a structured and logical manner, gradually building their vocabulary and developing their communicative and grammatical skills as the course progresses.
Higher - A course tailored for students between 10-12 years, using Saxon court’s Lift Off with English series. The course is structured to give the students a firm grasp of the language, and the confidence to use it.
Junior - Specially prepared for teenage students, this course aims to improve the students’ communicative ability, giving them the confidence to use the language in everyday interactive situations.

For all classes the schools are stocked with the necessary course books, CDs/cassettes, and teacher’s books. There are also resource materials available, which give teachers ideas for teaching grammar, vocabulary, listening, speaking, reading, writing and pronunciation. These resources are cross-referenced with the course guides to save teachers time and help supplement lesson plans. The schools have a supply of flashcards, realia, puzzles and games which are also available for teachers to use in the classroom.

Teachers are usually given a regular schedule of five working days per week. Teachers should expect to work between the hours of 8:00am and 9:00pm. We do try, however, to insure that teachers do not have an early start and a late finish on the same day. Teachers have two days off per week. (Usually Mon-Tues/Tues-Wed or Wed/Thurs. The school is open on Saturday and Sunday. These are the busiest days of the week and teachers should always expect to work hard on both days.

Teachers employed by This School will have at least a basic qualification (normally the Cambridge/RSA CELTA, Trinity TESOL or equivalent) in the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language (TEFL). Most will have also had previous teaching experience.

All teachers receive training prior to the beginning of their teaching schedule. This training is mainly aimed at the teaching of young learners and focuses on different areas such as the teaching of reading and writing, classroom management, setting up of activities and lesson planning. Teachers will also observe the classes of existing teacher’s lessons to see how the theory works in practice.

Teachers will be taken to their apartment accommodation from the airport by a member of the welfare department and for the first week will be helped to get settled in and find their way around. Of course they will also help the teachers with other practicalities such as registering with the Public Security Bureau (PSB), going for a health check, and opening bank accounts during this week.

After the initial training period monthly meetings are held with an Academic Manager and teachers attending. During this meeting the teachers have the chance to discuss any aspects of their work, which might be giving them a problem.

Teachers will be observed during their stay at This School by their Academic Manager. The purpose of these observations is to give the teachers help with their teaching where necessary. All observations are followed up with a meeting between the observer and the teacher, and a full written report. Teachers can arrange a meeting with their Manager at any time, and they are always available on the telephone.

The cost of living in China is very low. Your paycheck goes a long way. Travel within the city and also within China is cheap. There are some things, however, that are the same as at home. Going out at night can be quite expensive. Drinking and eating in Western establishments is more expensive than local Chinese restaurants and bars.

Accommodation is usually shared, with teachers having their own bedroom and sharing a bathroom, kitchen and living room with other teachers. The school will organise a basically furnished apartment for all teachers or will assist teachers in finding their own private accommodation. Teachers pay for the initial set up costs (deposit, rent in advance, agency fee). Average rents in China for a shared apartment are around 1500 RMB per month. Teachers who wish to live alone can expect to pay around 2000RMB a month.
This English School
sponsors all teachers for the working visa, which is valid for one year. Teachers are responsible for payment of the fee for the initial visa obtained in their own country, and the school covers all costs within China.

All foreigners applying for a position are required to undergo a medical examination in China. The medical consists of a questionnaire on any past or present health conditions; an x-ray (lungs, heart), an ultrasound (liver, gall-bladder), an ECG (heart) and a blood test. The blood test includes a test for HIV and Syphilis. If, for any reason, a prospective teacher is concerned about their HIV status they might consider a test in their country of origin before arriving in China.

Rapid development in China in the last five to ten years means that teachers coming to Shanghai can enjoy all the comforts available in other Asian countries such as Japan and South Korea. For those venturing into Asia for the first time, however, the excitement of living and working in a constantly evolving country, different from anything they might have experienced before, is the biggest draw. There are many opportunities to experience local culture, and to see what it's really all about.


The monthly salary for first year teachers is guaranteed at 6,600 RMB based on 72 hours of teaching a month, although it is usual for teachers to work more than this. Overtime is paid for all hours worked over 72, and is calculated at an hourly rate. Teachers with TEFL qualifications, previous teaching experience and further relevant qualifications qualify for corresponding increments to the salary.

Please inquire for details of the package available for the Academic Manager positions.

Teachers receive 22 days paid leave. This English School has three periods of holiday during a calendar year: International Labour Day (May), China Labour Day (October) and Chinese New Year (January/February). Christmas Day and New Year’s Day are also company holidays.

The school will reimburse the teacher the cost of a one-way flight to China (maximum 4,200 RMB).

New teacher's salary
Basic salary6600/month(72 hours)
Double Certificates(CELTA/TESOL/TEFL and DELTA/PGCE/MED)+500/month
One year chinese teaching experience or two years abroad teaching experience: +500/month
Over Time: 90/Hr
Flight Ticket: 4200/year  (To be paid in two installments to teachers not currently residing in China - the first after 6 months' service and the second upon completion of contract)
Bonus to be paid upon successful completion of contract: 3000/year
Insurance:1300/year to be paid in the third month on production of a valid policy
Paid holiday for one year: 22 days.

This Training Center China

Confidential Teacher Employment Contract

Contract Summary


Salary:                     6600 RMB (gross) per month

Hours:                     72 hours per month

Overtime :                90 RMB per hour payable for hours taught over 72

                                     per month including events

End Contract Bonus:        3000 RMB

Flight Bonus:                4200RMB   

Insurance:                  1,300 RMB payable upon production of valid policy document

for duration of contract

Holiday:                     22 days

Review:                     N/A


This is the contract of employment between This Training Center Hangzhou, (referred to below as “the Employer”), and             (referred to as “the Teacher” ).

1.      GENERAL

The Teacher is employed by the SES School, and the SES School reserves right to assign the Teacher to any of SES School’s schools in China. The SES School would bear any additional relocation and/or travel costs, where appropriate or necessary.



The Teacher shall carry out duties as assigned by his/her manager and as specified in the Work Regulations for Teachers and the General Directives and Guidelines, including all cover, events, meetings, training workshops ,admin and lesson observations as his/her manager sees fit.



The Teacher shall be paid a basic monthly salary of 6600 (renminbi). Salary payment, after deductions for tax and accommodation charges, will be paid by the SES School on the first Friday of the following month.



One Year.

5.      NOTICE

5.1            The Teacher must give the SES School at least 3 months’ notice of any intention to leave the SES School before the completion of the contract period and the Teacher’s last day of employment must be the last day of a month unless otherwise approved or decided by the SES School. Leaving this employment with less than 3 months’ notice will be considered a breach of contract.

5.2            The conditions under which the SES School may terminate this contract of employment and the notice periods applicable are as stated in Articles Eight and Nine of the Work Regulations for Teachers

5.3            During the calendar year the Teacher is entitled to 22 days of holiday including national holidays.



All other terms and conditions are as the work regulations for Teachers and Directives and Guidelines for Teachers. Copies of certificates (if any) must be made available upon request.

The Teacher has read and signed the above, the Work Regulations for teachers and the Directives and Guidelines for Teachers  and by signing below, agrees to accept employment on these terms:


Signed by Employer:                                 Signed by the Teacher:

Date:                                              Date:


   If you are interested, please send your Necessary Documents such as resume,copies of degrees, passport and general photos to E-mail:


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