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Basic Employer's Information
Employer's ID  SD203
Views:  5269

View The Employer's Location
Type  Private  International School
City  Weihai Shandong       
Job name   English Teachers
Statement  International School
Qualification Certificate   Have
Basic Qualifications for Application
Gender  Both
Vacancy  2
 Bachelor or above
Specialty  Unrequired
Work Experience
 1 year
Nationality  Native English speaker,such as British, Canadian, American, Australian, New Zealander and European,etc.
Other Statements
Contract Terms
Salary   5000 - 6000 RMB/M
Time to teach
 6-10 Months
Start Date   Full
Finish Date
Period/week  40 Period/W
 Oral English,listening English,etc
Students' age  11 - 15 years old
Paid Holiday
Apartment  Free apartment with the necessary facilities
International Airfare  Roundtrip Medical Allowance  3000/year
Telephone Allowance   Travel Allowance  2200 RMB/Year
Other Allowance
Sample Contract
View Contract:   
Contact Information
Contact Person  Angelina's ESL Cafe
 Foreign Affairs Office
Tel No.  +8610-51663658
Fax No.
Brief Introduction about Employer


+ Brief Introduction

(1)About this School(学校名称):        AN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL at Weihai 
        China. Weihai in Shandong Yellow River Street (中国.山东威海黄河街)
 (3)How far and in what direction is the school from the local town/city centre?
       (N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW) (北,东北,东,东南,南,西南,西,西北)
       More than 10 kilometers(学校离市区有10多公里)
       NW Direction(学校在市中心的西北边)
       from the school east(从学校往东)
(4)Nearest large city or provincial capital and travel time
      yantai city(烟台)
(5)Brief introduction of type of school including number of staff and students: public college
       staff:120 (工作人员数120)
       student:1100(学生人数1100) .
       Piracy school(私立学校)
(6)Number of teachers required(对老师的要求):
      Special Requirements(特殊要求):
      Experience(经验):teaching experience(有教学经验)
      Nationality(国籍):mother language is ok(母语是英语的国家)
      Ethnicity(人种):white (白色人种)
 (7)Can you accept teaching couples?(你能接受夫妇吗?)
      Yes,we can(能接受夫妇)

(8)Probably a few hours a week ? How many minutes of a class?
Teaching  Workload is 43 lessons per week, each of 40 inutes.
(9)Describe the teaching Schedule(描述一下课时安排)
      about 4 Lessons per day(每天4课时)
(10)What days does the teacher have free? (老师什么时候休息?)
      Saturday and Sunday(周六和周日)
(11)Are all classes at the same location? (所有的课都在一个地方吗?)
(12)Any other teaching activities outside the normal teaching? (在课外有什么教学安排吗?)
      YES. (在课外有教学安排)
(13)Student's age range and their English proficiency  ? (学生的年龄以及他们的英语水平?)
      7 to 19-year-old(7-----19岁)
      Primary School ,Middle School, High School(他们的英语水平相当于小学生,初学生,高中生)
(14)Subjects taught and class sizes (都学什么了?每班人数多少)
      Oral English . class sizes :20-30 people(英语口语。 每班学生人数:20 - 30人)
(15)Teaching course and text books(教学内容和课本):
       Local text book and Cambridge English (学校课本和英语)
(16)Do you prepare enough teaching materials?(有足够的教学资料吗?)
       Yes (有足够的教学资料)
(17)Do you need foreign teachers bring some from abroad? (需要外教从国外带资料吗?)
(18)Classroom or office equipment  available i.e. tape recorder, projector, VCR, Audio-visual lab, computer, scanner, printer.
       tape recorder, projector, Audio-visual lab, computer, scanner, printer.
       These devices have(这些设备都有)
(19)Monthly Salary (after Tax)(税后每月工资):
        4000-5100 RMB(4000—5100人民币)
        Airfares(机票):11000 RMB(11000人民币)
(20)Do you pay any extra luggage allowance(你们付额外的行李费):
        NO,We don’t(我们不付额外的行李费)
(21)Accommodation (住宿):
        General description(大体描述):
        Types of rooms(房间类型:一居或几居):
        one room(一居室)
(22)Are any facilities shared? TV, Washing room, the etc. all necessary(需要共用些什么?如电视,卫生间等)
(23)Distance to the classroom? (离教室有多远?)
        150 meter(150米)
(24)Who pays the water, gas, electricity, internet, telephone bills? etc,
         we will pay water,gas electricity,telephone bill, but this is fixed.( if you spend more than the fixed ,you will pay extra money.) Internet and gas are free.(学校支付水,煤气,电力,电话费帐单,但有定额, 花销超过定额,各自付额外的费用。互联网和天然气都是免费的。)
  Living facilities and appliances(如有提供请打)
(1)Computer with internet access(有电脑并有插座吗?)
(2)ISDN/ADSL telephone device(有adsl或能拨号上网吗?)
(3)Colour TV (VCR) etc(有彩电吗?)
(4)Air conditioner(有空调吗?)
(5)Electric Heater/Central heating(有暖气吗?)
(6)Washing machine(有洗衣机吗?)
(8)Microwave oven(有煨波炉吗)
(10)Electric water heater(有电热水器吗?) 
(11)Gas stove(有燃气灶吗?)
(12)Electric thermo (有电烧水器吗?)
(13)Sterilizer s(有消毒柜吗?)
(16)A set of cooking/eating utensils(including plates, glasses, pot, pan, spoons, knives, forks, chopsticks, etc)(有餐具吗?)
(17)A set of furniture (sofa, tea table, closet, desk,  dinner table, chairs, TV table, bookcase etc)(有家具吗?如:沙发、茶几、餐桌、电视柜、书架等)
(18)Bedroom: ( double bed with mattress, mosquito net, pillow, sheet, blanket, beddings etc.)(卧室:有床垫的双人床,蚊帐,枕头,毯子,被子等)
(19)24 hour hot water(24小时热水)
(20)Western-style Toilet?(欧式厕所?)
(21)nternet access:  where? free?
(22)Does the teacher have free access to and from the apartment at all times?(老师可以自由出入公寓吗?)
(23)Is the teacher allowed visitors?(允许老师带人来吗?)
(24)Are any unusual restrictions placed on teacher?(对老师有另外的禁止地方吗?)
(25)Are emergency escapes or front doors ever locked?(紧急通道是否被锁了?)
(26)How far is it to the nearest supermarket or shopping centre?( 学校离最近的超市或购物中心有多远?)
10 MINUTES ON FOOT(步行大约10分钟)
(27)Describe local transport availability: (介绍一下当地的交通)
There is NO.38bus near our school gate
(28)Is there a fully-paid winter vacation? When is it? (有寒假吗?是带薪的吗?在什么时候?)
We have winter vacation ,but there is no fully-paid.
Feb. (二月份放寒假)
(29)Any other holidays? Paid? When?( 还有其它的节日吗?有薪水吗?什么时候?)
Yes, we have holidays eg. Golden holiday, May 1, 11, Tomb Sweeping Festival, Spring Festival… A salary .
(30)Free medical care?( 医疗费报销吗?)No( 医疗费不报销。)
(31)Any medical insurance? Reimburse the fee when you see doctor to the appointed hospitals(有医疗保险吗?去定点医院看病的发票报销吗?)
(32)Free meals? 吃饭免费吗?YES(吃饭免费)
(33)Any travelling allowance or bonus?( Any trips for teacher to local points of interest?) (老师去当地的景点参观有津贴吗?)
If the school organization If the school organization, or required, allowances or bonus(如果是学校组织或规定的,老师去当地的景点参观有津贴。)
(34)The earliest date that the teacher can arrive your school? (外教最早什么时候到?)Each semester before the opening of school(每学期开学前到学校)

(35)Free domestic travelling including transportation and one day's accommodation in Beijing or Shanghai when the teacher arrives in China?
Foreign instructors to China, in Beijing or Shanghai can live one day, but schools do not reimbursable expenses.
(36)Is there an Chinese assistant teacher for each foreign teacher?
Yes (每个外教有一个助教)
(37)Can you offer a free orientation program for the foreign teachers before they begin to teach?(在外教上课之前学校提供免费的教学程序吗?)
Depend on foreign teachers(外籍教师自己准备教学程序)
(38)Regarding health-check, do you prefer the teacher doing the health-check in his country or in China (在体检方面,学校是宁愿外教在他们本国呢还是在中国?)
In China (在中国)
(39)Who pays for the health-check? (体检谁付钱?)
Foreign teacher pays(体检外教付钱)
(40) Who shall pay for the fees of applying for the "foreign expert certification", and " residence permit”? (办外国专家证以及居留许可的钱谁付?)
Our school pays(学校付)
(41)Contract period (合同有效期)start date (开始时间) now/
    Finish date(结束时间)  
    ——Is any of this period unpaid?(这段时间外教都是不付钱的?)
(42)Can you offer free Chinese lessons for teachers if they want (but the Chinese teacher must be paid by the school and not required to do it in own time for free)?
yes, we can(可以提供免费的中文课)

  If you are interested, please send your Necessary Documents such as resume,copies of degrees, passport and general photos to E-mail:


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