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Job's Information

Basic Employer's Information
Employer's ID  JL000
Views:  17536

View The Employer's Location
Type  Private  Training Center
City  Changchun Jilin       
Job name   English Teachers
Statement  English Training Center
Qualification Certificate   Have
Basic Qualifications for Application
Gender  Both
Vacancy  4
 Diploma and above
Specialty  Unrequired
Work Experience
Nationality  Native English speaker,such as British, Canadian, American, Australian, New Zealander and European,South Africa,etc.
Other Statements

Female (experienced or unexperienced) (degree or TEFL or both)
male (experienced ) (degree or TEFL or both)
Attention Please:This position has probation period for 2 months.
Do not accpet candidates over 45 years old
Full day class on weekend

Contract Terms
Salary   7500 - 10000 RMB/M
Time to teach
 6-12 Months+
Start Date  Sep.2014
Finish Date
Period/week  25 Period/W
 Oral English
Students' age  4 - 15 years old
Paid Holiday
0.5 Month/Year
Apartment  free Single Apartment with all the furnisher
International Airfare  Roundtrip Medical Allowance  Provide
Telephone Allowance   Travel Allowance   RMB/Year
Other Allowance

International Airfare:RMB 10000/Year
Paid holiday: 12 public +10  days paid
A:Teacher who has the  qualification of TEFL(TESOL) or Degree
 Probation Period (1st – 3rd month) - Start date through 90th day employment - monthly salary of 6,000RMB(net); Secondary Period (4th – 12th month) - 91st day through 365th day of employment: Monthly salary of 7,000RMB(net);
B: Teacher who has the  qualification of TEFL(TESOL/CELTA) and  Degree
Probation Period (1st – 3rd month) - Start date through 90th day employment - monthly salary of 6,500RMB(net); Secondary Period (4th – 12th month) - 91st day through 365th day of employment: Monthly salary of 7,500RMB(net);
Notice: This Info. in Contract
12.2 In each of the first 6 months of the employees contract (1st, 2nd or 3rd year), RMB1000 will be held as a bond by the employer. On completion of the contract this bond will be repaid without conditions.
20 teaching hours + 20 office work; 100rmb/hour for overwork.
allowance with 7500rmb/year at the year end
Salary:7500- 8500 RMB per month (dependent on qualifications and experience)
• Accommodation Allowance of 1,600 RMB per month OR Free / fully-furnished accommodation.
• Renew contract bonus :3000 RMB
• Annual Leave: 10 paid annual leave days plus 11 national holidays
• Visa: Sponsored Z work visa
• Travel: Flight allowance 10000 RMB for one year
• Arrival Support: Airport pick-up
• Erika Foreign third party insurance policy
• Free Mandarin Chinese lessons
• On-going professional development and training
• 25 teaching hours / week  
Single apartment, 9000RMB salary/month+ 12days public holiday+10 paid vacations+ 3days of paid ill leave+twice travel activity per year + 10000RMB flight allowance+ end contract bonus of at least one month salary

Sample Contract
View Contract:   
Contact Information
Contact Person  Angelina's ESL Cafe
 Foreign Affairs Office
Tel No.  +8610-51663658
Fax No.
Brief Introduction about Employer


We expect:
Teacher only  from the US.Uk.Canada.Australia.New Zealand
Age from 23 to 45,and no kids.

1st Year

Basic Salary

Teacher has degree or TEFL/TESOL training

Basic Salary

1st to 3rd month 6000RMB;

4th to 12th month 7000RMB;

Teacher has degree and TEFL/TESOL training

1st to 3rd month 6500RMB;

4th to 12th month 7500RMB;

10000RMB  Flight Allowance for every 12 month

20 Real Hours Teacher,100 RMB per for overtime fee;

Except 11 days public holiday ,10 days paid holiday for 12 month contract

Renewing: 3000RMB  for  renewing contract(1 year length),you will get this by the end of 1st month
Salary increase 15%

10000RMB  Flight Allowance for every 12 month

20 Real Hours Teacher,100 RMB per for overtime fee;

Except 12 days public holiday ,10 days paid holiday for 12 month contract


Living   in   Changchun

A city of hopes and dreams

Location: Changchun (which literally means ‘long spring’ in Chinese) is the capital of Jilin province in North-east China. It’s an eight-hour train journey to Beijing, and shares a border with North Korea. Changchun is an inland city,  being more than three hundred miles from the sea. Jilin, together with Heilongjiang and Liaoning forms part of Manchuria.

The city is not big by Chinese standards, with a metropolitan population of around two million. The cost of living is generally much lower than that of the bigger cities such as Beijing or Shanghai. You could probably expect to save a substantial proportion of your salary each month.
Most western luxuries can be found in Changchun, although some things such as deodorant and Blu-tac are hard to come by. There is also a good selection of western food and restaurants in addition to the local fare.

1,Full-time Teacher Job Description
The teacher reports to the Director of Studies (DOS) and Centre Manager (CM)


Working hours and locations


The teacher works for 40 hours per week, to be arranged by the DOS and/or the CM, including up to 130 academic (87 real) classroom hours per calendar month. This represents an average of 30 academic hours (1 academic hour is equal to 40 minutes) per week over 4.33 weeks (or 20 real hours over 4.33 weeks).  This means that it is possible to teach more than 30 academic hours some weeks and others less, averaging out to 30 academic hours per week.


The teacher will be required to work 5 days a week in the non-peak season and up to 6 days per week during the peak seasons.


During the peak seasons (June – August and January – February), teaching hours can rise to up to 169 academic (113 real) classroom hours per calendar month.


Teachers may be asked to work morning and evening shifts in the same day. Teachers may have teaching duties in the centre or off-site.


Main Responsibilities


·                               Carry out the timetable of classes assigned by the DOS

·                               Give lessons to the highest standards of English language teaching

·                               Become familiar with the programmes and courses of study at the centre

·                               Develop and use suitable supplementary materials as necessary

·                               Use audio / video materials in classes

·                               Expose students to the use of CALL, CD-ROMs, and the Internet

·                               Begin and end classes on time

·                               Prepare lessons and equipment in advance for all classes

·                               Become familiar with and implement the Course Management Procedures

·                               Administer, correct and record the results of progress reports, tests and assessments for students

·                               Substitute for absent colleagues, perhaps at short notice, on or off-site

·                               Be responsible for students’ welfare and progress

·                               Inform students of centre aims and objectives

·                               Cooperate with the CM and DOS in ensuring the constructive communication and efficient operation of the centre

·                               Meet regularly with the DOS to communicate all relevant information

·                               Assist the DOS upon request with the development and marketing of courses and induction of sales and teaching staff into the practices of the centre

·                               Maintain student and class records

·                               Assist in the placement testing and interviewing of new students

·                               Carry out teaching related responsibilities including, but not limited to demonstration classes, conversation clubs, tutorials, seminars and presentations

·                               Attend centre social events

·                               Take on administrative work and/or projects including, but not limited to, cataloguing supplementary materials, giving workshops and organizing extra-curricular events, as directed by the DOS

·                               Keep the teachers’ room, equipment and resources well-organized and in good condition

·                               Be familiar with the administrative procedures employed by the centre


Professional Development


·                               Regularly evaluate own performance and progress

·                               Attend and participate in workshops in teacher development offered by the centre

·                               Observe and be observed by the DOS and teaching colleagues

Be pro-active in improving teaching skills through sharing knowledge with colleagues, and using teaching resources found in the centre, EF Intranet, Internet and any other available sources
2,Confidentiality Policy (Academic Staff)

The Employee shall treat all information with respect to the Employer, EF English First and all customers confidential, and shall make all reasonable efforts to keep such information secret and confidential, both during the term of this Contract and after termination or expiration of this Contract.  The Employee shall not disclose aforesaid information to any unauthorized third party.  The Employee shall not copy, duplicate or record in part or in whole the aforesaid information for purposes other than the job requirements set forth in this Contract.


The Employee shall not directly or indirectly solicit any of the employees employed by the Employer or any of its affiliates. The Employee shall not solicit any and/or all customers of the Employer to enter into a business in any form that is similar to or competing against the Employer. These two obligations will remain in full force and effect until one year after the date of termination of this Contract.


During the term of this Contract, without the Employer’s consent, the Employee shall not be employed by other entity than the Employer, or run his/her own business, or be involved in any matters which are harmful to the Employer’s reputation or interest or the Employee’s working performance.


The Employee shall not receive or accept any cash or benefit from the Employer’s supplier or client during the term of this Contract.


The Employee shall guarantee that any representation made by the Employee to the Employer before the execution of this Contract be true and not misleading in any respect (including personal data, academic records, working experience, reward and punishment record).


When the Employee is assigned to develop teaching materials and the teaching materials are created under the Employer’s material conditions, copyright of such teaching materials shall be owned by the Employer. The Employee has the right to be named as the author of these teaching materials.

In case the Employee violates this article, the Employee is deemed to violate this Contract materially.
3,Code of Conduct (Academic Staff)



An English First teacher always aims for the highest standards of professionalism as a teacher, colleague and member of staff.



Attendance and lesson preparation:


·          Teachers must have a lesson plan ready before each lesson. The course lesson report must be completed after each lesson and filed with the attendance sheet.

·          Teachers must be present in the centre or at companies 20 minutes before the lesson commences and be in the classroom before the lesson is scheduled to start.

·          Lessons should finish on and not before time. Lessons should not finish more than 5 minutes late unless specifically arranged with the students.

·          Teachers should take the attendance register at the beginning of each class.

·          All equipment (videos, CD ROMS, cassettes, etc) must be prepared and ready for use before the lesson.

·          Teachers should make any necessary photocopies well in advance of the lesson.

·          Teachers are expected to give progress and level tests and to mark such tests as part of their administration time. The students may not keep tests.

·          A teacher should never leave the classroom for an unnecessarily long period.

·          In case of sickness, teachers must inform the centre as soon as possible and in no case later than 8:00 a.m. on the day of sickness.

·          On return from sickness, the teacher must fill out the relevant form and hand this to the DOS for authorisation.





·          Teachers are expected to be clean and smart at all times (no jeans, sandals or t-shirts).

·          Teachers are expected to wear appropriate shoes, with socks where applicable.

·          Men should wear shirt, tie and smart trousers. Women should also dress professionally: trousers or skirt (not jeans or informal), shirt or blouse.





·          Always act in the best interests of EF English First, remaining positive towards the company, its products and procedures.

·          Teachers must not remove books, videos, CD ROMS, tapes, etc from the centre without prior consent from the DOS or CM.

·          Teachers must clean the whiteboard after the lesson and return all cassettes and tape players, dictionaries and other equipment to the staff room.  Please respect the teacher who will be using the room after you.

·          Discussions concerning religion and politics should be avoided unless specifically requested by students.

·          Any teacher wishing to take a holiday must fill out the relevant request form and hand to the DOS at least 3 weeks before.

·          Teachers should actively try to create a positive working atmosphere.

·          Never use English First materials for any other purpose than teaching English First classes.

·          Communicate respectfully and enthusiastically with colleagues.

·          Do not lend money to or borrow money from a student.

·          Do not sell materials directly to a student.

·          Do not take money directly from a student in payment for materials or classes.

·          Do not invite friends to attend classes free of charge without consulting the CM.





Failure to maintain the following standards will be deemed as gross misconduct and will result in immediate dismissal:


·          Amorous relationships with any of the students are strictly prohibited, as are relationships with other members of staff that could aversely affect the running of the centre.

·          Academic staff under no circumstances must take personal contact details from students, such as phone numbers or email addresses.

·          Never take, use or be under the influence of illegal substances, drugs or alcohol either during working hours or on EF premises.

·          Smoking is not permitted inside any EF centre.

·          Never bring illegal substances, drugs or alcohol onto EF premises.

·          Never use foul language.

·          Never act in a way, which may cause offence to a colleague, a student or any other visitor to the centre.

·          Never act in a manner, which may cause offence to local custom and religion.

·          Never break the law

·          Be respectful of Chinese customs and cultural norms.


4,Disciplinary Procedure (Academic Staff)

The recommended disciplinary procedure is as follows:

  1. Verbal warning. Given by the DOS to teacher/CM to DOS.
  2. Written warning.        Given by the DOS and CM to teacher/CM to DOS.
  3. Dismissal.           At the discretion of the CM.


Nature of Grievance

Order of Disciplinary Action

  1. Absences; failure to notify EF of intended absences and to organise teacher cover.


1.      Verbal warning

2.      Written warning

3.      Dismissal

  1. Lateness to class, meetings and workshops.
  1. Lack of lesson plans; weekly lesson reports/attendance not complete(d) and filed.
  1. Issues pertaining to general preparedness & organisation.
  1. Regular academic duties unfulfilled, incomplete or of poor quality e.g. testing, marking tests, certificate/report writing, etc.
  1. Unsatisfactory reports, reviews and feedback from students, parents or corporate clients.
  1. Unacceptable dress or appearance.
  1. Unauthorised removable of EF property from the premises.
  1. Smoking in non-smoking designated areas.
  1. Negativity towards the EF English First Company, products and procedures to students and potential clients.


  1. Verbal abuse to other employees, clients and customers.


1.      Written warning

2.      Dismissal


  1. Accessing pornographic material on centre equipment, or possession of such material while at the centre.
  1. Amorous relationships with students; relationships with other members of staff that could adversely affect the running of the school.


1.              Dismissal


  1. Deliberate damage and damage resulting from negligence of EF English First property or the property of other EF English First employees.
  1. Theft or dishonesty, including the falsification of time records or expenses reports or furnishing false or incomplete information for company records.
  1. Possession, use or being under the influence of drugs unless this is for medication and prescribed by a licensed medical practitioner.
  1. The use of or being under the influence of alcohol during your hours of duty on or off the school premises.
  1. Acts of violence and bodily harm against any other employee or person in the centre, including threatening behaviour and possession of offensive weapons
  1. Failure to maintain the integrity and security of proprietary information.

5,Accommodation Policy & guidelines (Foreign Staff)
Article 6. Housing


A The Employee requests to be provided with single accommodation by the Employer with conditions as set forth below. The Employee agrees to stay in the accommodation provided for the duration of this contract.  In the case of failure to complete the Contract term or failure to perform this stipulation, the Employee agrees to repay the loss of the deposit of no more than RMB 2000. If the Employee leaves the housing in the middle of a month, the Employee agrees to repay the portion of the monthly rental fee remaining. In such cases, he/she understands that he/she forfeits any rights to housing allowance benefits paid by the Employer. The Employee may move out of the shared accommodation if another teacher agrees to take his/her place or with the agreement of the Employer. The Employee shall be responsible for all housing utility fees such as electricity, gas, water, telephone, Internet and cable TV. The Employee shall keep the premises clean and in proper order.  The Employee shall be responsible for any and all damage to the premises or furniture beyond normal wear and tear.


Accommodation Guidelines:


Teacher’s apartments should be no more than 30 minutes journey away from the school by public transport, with a supermarket and or market within 15 minutes walk of the apartment.

The building should be secure and approved by the local police for habitation by foreigners.



There must be two bedrooms of more or less the same size (apartment for DOS only needs to have one bedroom), bathroom, kitchen, eating area and living area.


Recommended Furniture:




Eating/living area


Double bed

Western-style mattress

Table/dressing table

Air conditioner



Gas hob


2 cupboards


Microwave oven



Table + two chairs

Coffee table


Air conditioning


Arm chair

Adequate lighting



Shower with surround or in bath-tub with curtain

Washing machine


Above all else:

-          Apartments should be thoroughly cleaned before the teachers or DOS arrive. Particular attention should be paid to the bathroom and kitchen.

-          Hot water, air-conditioning and other electrical and gas appliances should be tested before the apartment is taken. Defective appliances should be mended or replaced before the arrival of the teachers or DOS.

-          Bus routes etc. From the apartment to the school should be reliably researched before the teachers ’/DOS’s arrival. Where possible maps in Pinyin should be marked and prepared in advance

-          It is the practice of some schools to have some basic food staples in the apartment for the arrival of the teachers/DOS’s. For example: bottled water, orange juice, bread, instant noodles, tea, coffee, milk and sugar. It is standard practice to have bed linen ready if not on the bed: quilt + cover, pillow + cover, sheet on mattress.

A 50RMB IP card allows teachers to make a quick call home to let their family know that they have arrived safe and sound.
6,Flight Policy


1.1  The employee shall be entitled to a flight allowance of 10000 RMB net per 12-month period of a contract term on successful completion of the 12 month contract.


1.2  No air ticket/flight allowance will be provided for the employee in the case where he/she enters a contract period of less than 12 months. This clause applies to both first year and subsequent contracts.


1.3  This flight allowance policy applies to all full time foreign academic staff.


1.4  The employee is responsible for purchasing their own ticket/flight to school.

7,Termination Policy (Academic Staff)

1. The Employer may terminate this Contract and dismiss the Employee without any prior written notice and the Employee shall repay the expenses incurred by the Employer on the Employee’s behalf if any of the following events occurs.

1)       The Employee has materially violated this Contract (including all attachments)

2)       The Employee has caused material damage to the Employer due to the Employee’s negligence or malpractice for personal interests;

3)       The Employee has committed a crime or illegal activities according to the law.

4)       The Employee has taken thirty days of accumulated sick leave.


2.  The Employer may terminate this Contract with the standard notice period and the Employee shall repay the expenses incurred by the Employer on the Employee’s behalf, if any of the following events occurs:

1)       The Employee is proved unable to effectively perform the duties required for this position, refer to the disciplinary procedure.

2)       Due to the Employee’s illness or non-occupational injury, the Employee is unable to take up his / her original work after completion of the period of his medical treatment.


3.  The Employer may terminate this Contract with the standard notice period without repaying any expenses and the Employee shall receive a single ticket or flight allowance in cash, amounting to the market value of a single ticket to country of recruitment, or country of passport if recruited internally, in addition if any of the following events occurs:

1)       Due to the Employer’s merger, restructure, change of business scope or liquidation, as a result, the Employee’s position is redundant or not needed.

2)       The circumstances and conditions on which this Contract is based change, and as a result, this Contract cannot be wholly fulfilled and both parties cannot reach an agreement.


4.  The Employee may terminate this Contract with the standard notice period. The Employee shall repay the expenses incurred by the Employer on the Employee’s behalf.

5.  The Employee may, under any of the following circumstances, terminate this Contract without prior notice. In these circumstances, the Employer shall pay full remuneration and benefits in accordance with this Contract, and a single ticket or flight allowance in cash amounting to the market value of a single ticket to country of recruitment, or country of passport if recruited internally (as below) in addition:

1)      The Employer fails to pay remuneration or benefits as agreed upon in this Contract;

2)      The Employer forces the Employee to work by means of violence, intimidation or illegal restriction of personal freedom.


6.  This Contract will be terminated automatically in the case where the Employer has been dissolved and the Employee shall be entitled to a single ticket or flight allowance in cash amounting to the market value of a single ticket to country of recruitment, or country of passport if recruited internally.


7.  The Employer shall not terminate this Contract or dismiss the Employee in the case where the Employee is a female staff member or worker and is in the period of her pregnancy, lactation, or breast-feeding.


For the purpose of this contract, the contract termination notice period during the probation shall be 7 days prior notice in writing .

After  probation period the teacher must give the school at least 1 months’ notice of any intention to leave the school before the completion of the contract period indicated above.

The conditions under which the school may terminate the contract of the employment  the notice period  shall be 30 days prior notice in writing (Or, the payment of one-month’s salary can be taken as a substitution of one-month’s prior notice).


The expenses incurred by the Employer on the Employee’s behalf will be deemed as visa, working permit (including health check), residential permit, housing deposit (if any and no more than RMB2000), and flight tickets (if any). 


In any cases, where the employee is stipulated to repay the employer for the expenses incurred by the Employer on the Employee’s behalf, the expenses will need to be repaid in full if the contract is terminated within probation or to be paid pro rata if the contract is terminated after probation.


The proportion of the expenses will be calculated by dividing the days not worked in the Contract by the number of days in the contract term (not worked days/ contract term days). The Employer shall provide a list of expenses including the receipts to the Employee in the case of the Employee being asked for repayment.
Teacher Employment Contract 2010

(1) _This Language Teaching Center (herein after referred to as the  “Employer") Authorized Representative:


(2)           ___(Name), (hereinafter referred to as the " Employee")


Permanent contact address:  

Permanent contact telephone number: 

Next of Kin Name:


       Phone number:


Passport Number:                           

        Date of Birth:                                    



1.       The Employer has entered into the franchise agreement with EF Business Consulting (Shanghai) Company (EF English First) for the establishment of an English language-teaching center under the EF English First system.

2.       The Employer agrees to recruit the Employee subject to the terms and conditions as set out below and agrees to provide the Employee with proper remuneration according to this Contract.

3.       The Employee agrees to be recruited by the Employer and is willing to work diligently and faithfully for the Employer, with a purpose of enhancing the development and protecting the interests of EF English First and the Employer. The Employee is confident that he/she can undertake these duties in the best interests of the Employer without causing harm to EF English First and the Employer and without creating any conflicts with his/her conditions of employment and financial remuneration.


In accordance with relevant PRC regulations and laws, adhering to the principles of equality, both parties hereby voluntarily agree as follows after friendly consultation:


Article 1:  Term 

1.1 The term of this Contract shall be __months, commencing from             and expiring on                          During the term of this Contract, the probationary period shall be three months, commencing from              and expiring on                      .

1.2 This Contract may be renewed for a term of one year if both parties agree, upon signing a second 1 year contract ,the employee’s salary will be increased by 15% and the employee will receive a bonus of RMB 3000.


Article 2:  Position

2.1    The Employee shall serve as Teacher.

2.2    The working location is     Changchun       (city). 


The parties have read, understood and agree to abide by the Job description, Code of Conduct, Termination Policy, Flight Policy, Disciplinary Policy, Termination Policy, Confidentiality Policy and Insurance terms as attached. These attachments form part of this Contract. 


Article 3:  Working Days, Hours and Timetabling

3.1    The Employee will be required to work five days a week from Monday to Sunday.

3.2    The employee may be required to work 6 days a week in the peak season. If the employer requires the employee to do so, the employer should obtain the agreement from the employee and pay the employee overtime at the agreed rate (per clause 4.2) or offer a day of leave in lieu for each 6th day in any given week worked (not a week-end day). (The choice of peak season arrangement (overtime or day in lieu) should be agreed in writing before intensives begin)

3.3    The Employee’s working hours may be scheduled between 08:00 to 20:30 from Monday to Sunday.

3.4    The Employee will be required to work up to 40 hours per week “working hours” in both the peak and non-peak seasons. June through August and January through February will be regarded as the peak season. If the employer requires the employee to work more than 40 real hours in one week regardless of the monthly average of ach, the employer should obtain the agreement from the employee and pay the employee overtime at the agreed rate (It does not include the reasonable schedule adjustments due to National Holidays or special center events).

3.5    The employee will require a reasonable amount of time for class preparation and course-related administrative duties, i.e. 1 ach preparation for each 3-ach lesson.

3.6     During the non-peak season, within the working hours, up to 87 hours (130ACH) per month shall be contact teaching hours. Any contact teaching hour above 87 hours per month shall be subject to the mutual agreement of the Employee and the Employer and subject to overtime compensation as set forth in Clause 4.2.

3.7    During the peak season, if the employee is working a 6 day week and within the working hours, up to 87 (130ACH) hours per month shall be contact teaching hours. Any contact teaching hour beyond 87 hours per month shall be subject to the mutual agreement of the Employee and the Employer and subject to overtime compensation as set forth in Clause 4.2.

3.8    In the remaining working hours, in addition to lesson planning and course-related administrative duties, the Employee may be required to perform other reasonable duties as instructed by the Employer, including, but not limited to, interviewing students for placement testing, developing materials and participating in marketing activities. All these duties shall be planned within the 40 “Working hours” per week

3.9    As part of the contact teaching hours, the Employee may be required to teach some off-site courses or to substitute for unscheduled absences of other teachers.

3.10 The Employer shall try to inform the Employee of any cancellation or delay of classes, or additional classes, 24 hours before the class is scheduled.

3.11For the purpose of this Contract, one hour equals to 60 minutes and one ACH equals to 40 minutes.


Article 4:  Remuneration

4.1    Salary will be paid according to the following scale:      _  

A:Teacher who has the  qualification of TEFL(TESOL) or Degree

 Probation Period (1st – 3rd month) - Start date through 90th day employment - monthly salary of 6,000RMB(net); Secondary Period (4th12th month) - 91st day through 365th day of employment: Monthly salary of 7,000RMB(net);

B: Teacher who has the  qualification of TEFL(TESOL/CELTA) and  Degree

Probation Period (1st – 3rd month) - Start date through 90th day employment - monthly salary of 6,500RMB(net); Secondary Period (4th – 12th month) - 91st day through 365th day of employment: Monthly salary of 7,500RMB(net);

 In addition, the Employee may have the Center Manager bonus according to his/her monthly performance


4.2   For each contact teaching hour over 87 (Peak or non-peak season) per calendar month, the Employee shall be paid at a negotiated rate of RMB 100Gross) per hour as overtime compensation in line with the market average. Such payment is calculated per calendar month (from the 1st – final day of the month regardless of the payment period or the payment day). In the case of public holidays or paid vacation falling in the monthly pay period, monthly contact teaching hours will be calculated pro rata.

4.3 The Employer shall pay the Employee’s salary on the  25th  day of each month.  Payment of overtime-contact hours is paid on the     10th    day of each following month. If the date of such payment falls on a non-business day (weekends), it shall be advanced to a business day (Friday). If the date of such payment falls on a national holiday, it shall be advanced to the last working day before the holidays, according to local government directives.

4.4 On production of legally required receipts, the Employer shall bear all authorized expenses incurred by the Employee, including, but not limited to, travel and accommodation costs for off-site teaching programs.


Article 5. Flights : Payment will be made on completion of each 12 month contract at the following rate: After one year –RMB…10000……After second 12 month contract completion 15000. After third year contract completion 20000.


Article 6. Housing

6.1 The Employee will be provided with single accommodation by the Employer with conditions as set forth in the attachment.  Please refer to the Accommodation policy and guidelines document in the EF English First Company documents. Couples will be furnished with a two bedroom apartment, and individuals with a single bedroom apartment. Teachers may elect to receive an apartment allowance of RMB1000 and obtain and fully manage their own accommodation.

6.2  An employee utilizing School-provided accommodation may change their allotted apartment within one month if it is unsatisfactory. A second change may be made if the apartment fails to meet the quality standard as set out in clause 6.3. If the employee requires a change after this time, where the quality standard is currently being met, the employee is liable for all costs associated with such a move (IE vacant rental costs, contract breach costs, loss of deposit, etc).

6.3 Minimum requirements for EF Changchun quality standard may be found in the attachment to contract.


Article 7. Insurance:

The Employer will buy Erika Travel Insurance to cover the Employee for the medical and accident insurance purposes. For details refer to the attached EF English First Teachers insurance Basic (Policy No.903.300.wws)


Article 8. Holidays

8.1   Public Holidays

The Employee will receive the following public holidays should they occur during the Contract

New Year (1st January) One (1) day            Chinese Lunar New Year (January/February) three (3) days

Tomb-Sweeping Day(Apr) One(1)day                 Dragon-Boat Festival (June) One(1) day

Labor Day (1st May), One (1) day                Mid-Autumn Festival (Sep) One (1)day

National Holiday (1st October), three (3) days    Christmas day (25th December), one (1) day

The Employee is entitled to 12 days as public holidays in one year. If the Employee’s scheduled day(s) off fall on a public holiday the Employee will be entitled to the equivalent number of days holiday in lieu. These lieu days will be subject to approval under the same conditions as paid holiday.




8.2   Paid holiday

Further to the above, the Employee is entitled to ten (10) working days paid holiday per full year contract. (12 days in the second year) In the case that the contract term is less than 12 months, the paid holiday will be pro rata.

These holiday days may be taken at any time during the year APART from intensiveJan,Feb, Jun,Jul,Augand one month notice given. The exact dates of any single holiday leave period should be negotiated with the employer to minimize week-end absences. All leave must be agreed in writing, and signed one month ahead of the leave by employer and employee. The employer may limit the number of employees taking holiday simultaneously in the school’s interest. If either party terminates the contract for any reason, the paid holiday shall be calculated pro rata based on the length of the Contract completed. If the number of days paid holiday taken prior to the termination exceeds the pro rata number, the Employee agrees to repay the salary for the excess days.

8.3 Any unauthorized leave shall be counted as unpaid leave and deducted from salary and will be penalized by disciplinary measures. If the employee’s contract is not terminated, the ‘lost’ days may be added to the contract term and paid according to the usual terms.

8.4 At the discretion of the employer, in certain rare cases where an employee has an emergency requiring special leave, the employer may choose to allow that leave (unpaid) and add the ‘lost’ time to the end of the contract, paid according to the usual terms.  (Such leave is only recognized if written and signed by employee and employer ahead of the leave)

8.5 Regardless of the clauses in part 8 above: If the employee takes un-negotiated personal leave in excess of 5 days, the 13th month salary bonus will be forfeit (Bonus is described in 12.3 below). NOTE: Leave claimed as sick leave by the employee, but lacking suitable proof, will be deemed as un-negotiated personal leave. (Look carefully at 9.3 below)


Article 9. Sick Leave

9.1 The Employee shall notify, and seek approval for, sick leave from the Director of Studies or his/her deputy immediately in the event of sickness. All sick leaves must be supported by a doctor’s certificate unless prior approval from the Center Manager is obtained. The Employer can provide reasonable assistance to obtain the doctor’s certificate upon request. Upon return to work a sick leave form must be completed and approved by both the Director of Studies and Center Manager.

9.2 Any unauthorized sick leave shall be counted as unpaid leave deducted from salary and will be penalized by disciplinary measures.

9.3 For medical leave to be considered as authorized at least two hours notice should be provided (by phone etc) to the DoS or CM, except where the medical emergency makes this impossible (as later described in 9.5 – Concerning the doctors certificate)

9.4 For the first 3 days of accumulated sick leave within the contract term, salary will be paid at 100%.

9.5 EXCEPT where a documented stay in hospital occurs, More than 3 days sick leave (even when a doctor’s note is provided) will cause the employee to loose the end of 12 month completion bonus of 1 month ADDITIONAL salary to be forfeit (Bonus described in 12.3 below)

9.6 For accumulated sick leave over 5 days and up to 30 days within the contract term, the teacher will have 1 days salary deducted for a weekday absence, and 2 days salary deducted for a weekend absence. Any persistent cases of absence may result in the termination of this teaching contract.

9.7 In cases of accumulated authorized sick leave beyond 30 days within the contract term, the Employer has the right to terminate the contract, according to the EF English First Termination Policy.

9.8 If an employee takes 1/3 or 2/3 of the day off due to sickness (typically this approximates 1, 2 or 3 times a 2 hr class), this will be added to the accumulated sick days calculation described above

9.9 For clauses 9.5 and 9.6



Article 10. Legal documents

10.1 The Employer shall provide all necessary legal documents including, but not limited to, working permit, residence permit and visa provided by the Employer on behalf of the Employee during the term of this Contract. The Employee shall return all legal documents arranged by the Employer to the Employer upon completion or termination of this Contract. The Employer may remove and cancel all legal documentation upon termination or expiration of this Contract. The cost of a single entry visa to China will be reimbursed, in local currency, by the Employer within 2 weeks of the employee’s arrival at the center, provided the Employee produces legal receipts / invoices for the visa.

10.2 The employee must provide access to original copies of essential documents such as Passport, Degree and TESOL/TEFL and allow copies to be made.


Article 11. Disciplinary Procedures

Please refer to EF Disciplinary Procedure (Academic Staff) in the EF English First Company documents.


Article 12. Expiration and Termination

12.1 This Contract shall expire upon the ending date as set forth hereto.

This Contract can be terminated according to the EF Termination Policy and procedure in the EF Company documents.

12.2 In each of the first 6 months of the employees contract (1st, 2nd or 3rd year), RMB1000 will be held as a bond by the employer. On completion of the contract this bond will be repaid without conditions.

12.3 On completion of each 12 month contract a BONUS of ONE MONTH SALARY will be granted to the employee without con  ditions (Excepting clause 8.5 and 9.5 above).

12.4 Under exceptional circumstances and at the sole discretion of the employer, an employee who’s end of contract completion bonus may be subject to forfeit (for reasons set out in this contract), may have the bonus restored or paid in part. This is only valid where the circumstances and exact outcomes are set out in writing and signed by the employer and employee.

12.5 Early termination of the contract by the employee will result in loss of the bond (up to the amount collected at that time), and loss of the flight money (normally payable on completion of the 12 month contract).

12.6 Probation: in the event that the employee fails to pass the 3 month probation, the bond collected up to that time will be returned without conditions.

12.7 Termination of contract by the employer: In the event the employer terminates the employee’s contract (as per EF Termination Policy and procedure in the EF Company documents ) clause 12.4 above applies.


Article 13. Force Majeure

Neither party will be responsible for delays or failures in performance from acts beyond Parties’ control (“Force majeure”). A written statement from the US or UK Embassy or the Employee’s embassy advising its citizens to leave a particular town or region or country will count as sufficient reason for the Employee to leave their school without breaching the contract. In such case, the Employer shall be responsible for transportation costs to the nearest point of safety outside of the town, region or country stated in the embassy’s advice.


Article 14. Confidentiality, non-solicitation, non-competition, royalty and Intellectual Property 

Please refer to EF Confidentiality Policy (Academic Staff) in the EF Company documents.


Article 15. Handing over

Upon the termination or expiration of this Contract, The Employee shall hand over, in writing, all information, documents and experience relating to the Employee’s job, including but not limited to clients’ names, contacts, and other information required by the Employer, to any person designated by the Employer. 


Article 16.  Disputes

16.1 Both parties shall resolve their labor disputes through consultation.  If no agreement can be reached through consultation, both parties agree to submit the disputes to the Employer’s local labor arbitration committee for arbitration.

16.2 If either party does not agree with the arbitration award in accordance with Clause 16.1, it may submit the disputes to the courts where the Employer is located.


Article 17.  Governing Law

This Contract shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with PRC laws.


Article 18.  Miscellaneous

18.1 This Contract shall become effective upon signing. This may be in the form of fax signing.

18.2 This Contract is executed in duplicate and each counterpart shall have one, which has equal legal validity.

18.3 This Contract is translated into Chinese. In cases of dispute the English version shall prevail.


                                      (signature)                                                                              (signature)

For and on behalf of Yingzhifu Language Teaching Center





1)      Job Description                   5) Offenses and resulting disciplinary actions

2)      Code of Conduct                   6) Flights and flight reimbursement policy

3)      Insurance Policy             7) Accommodation policy and accommodation guidelines

4)      Confidentiality policy               8) Termination policy

  If you are interested, you could also send your resume,copies of degrees, passport and general photos to E-mail:


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