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Basic Employer's Information
Employer's ID  GD489
Views:  7534

View The Employer's Location
Type  Public  University
City  Huizhou Guangdong       
Job name   English, Accounting, Mathmatics, Computer, Physics, Chemistry and The fine Art Teachers
Qualification Certificate   have
Basic Qualifications for Application
Gender  Both
Vacancy  8
 Master or above
Specialty  Computer Science, Electronics, Chemistry, Counting,Math,Physics and Art Majors
Work Experience
Nationality  Native English Speakers from America,Canada,Australia,UK and New Zealand
Other Statements

Electronic Science, English, Accounting, Mathmatics, Computer, Physics, Chemistry and The fine Art Teachers Needed.
All positions  ONLY  Master degree holders will be considered first
Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Economic Management, and Costume Design Teachers needed.

Contract Terms
Salary   8726 - 10226 RMB/M
Time to teach
 6 or 10 months
Start Date   Full
Finish Date
Period/week  16 Period/W
Students' age  19 - 24 years old
Paid Holiday
1 Month/Year
Apartment  1200RMB/month house allowance
International Airfare  Roundtrip Medical Allowance  Provide
Telephone Allowance   Travel Allowance  2200 RMB/Year
Other Allowance

BA: RMB6500+560+1666=RMB8726;
MA: RMB7500+560+1666=RMB9726
Dr. RMB800+560+1666=RMB10226
Government allowance(Bonus): RMB20,000 for full year contract (About RMB1666/Month)
utilities allowance:560RMB/month

Airfare: 8,000RMB
Apartment: Free apartment with the necessary facilities or 1500RMB/M for rent

Sample Contract
View Contract:   
Contact Information
Contact Person  Angelina's ESL Cafe
 Foreign Affairs Office
Tel No.  +8610-51663658
Fax No.
Brief Introduction about Employer

A Brief Introcduction to This University

  This University is a comprehensive university authorized to award bachelor degrees by the Ministry of Education of the PRC.
There are two campuses:Fenghu Campus, although located in the centre of Huizhou, is a sanctuary of green trees and red-brick buildings surrounded by the famous WestLake.With a background of scenic hills, the natural beauty of the landscape is reflected on the tranquil waters of the lake.
Jinshanhu Campus is located near Jinshan lake on the edge of the Huizhou city zone. Encircled in a landscape of green hills, shady trees and perfumed flowers, the modern buildings create an excellent environment for teaching, research and study.
The total area of This University is about 1.72 million M2, comprising a school area of 278,000 M2, construction area 35,000 M2, green area 113,000 M2 with a 52% distribution ratio.This University has been awarded the title of "Garden School" by the Huizhou Government.

  This University has recently spent 46 million RMB on state of the art teaching apparatus and equipment, and its new library contains over 700,000 volumes including 1,200 categories of newspapers and periodicals.
There are over 8,000 diploma and degree students, 8,000 adult educational students and over 2,000 network-study students registered with the University. The staff has more than 400 professional teachers including about 140 professors and associate professors and 130 teachers with a Doctorate, or Master degree.

  The 13 departments of the University are Chinese Literature, Political and Law, Economic Management, Foreign Language, Mathematics, Computer Science, Electronic Science, Chemical Engineering, Life Science, Textiles, Architecture and Civil Engineering, Physical Culture and Art Education at This University, AdultEducationCollege, Architecture Programming and Design Institute, Higher Education Laboratory and RafflesInternationalCollege. The University publishes a periodical "The This University Journal".

  This University currently offers 24 Degree Majors:International Economics and Trade, Financial Management, Marketing, Philosophy & Politics, Administrative Management, Physical Education, Chinese Language and Literature, Media, English Language and Literature, Art and Design, Mathematics & Applied Mathematics, Information Management and Systems, Physics, Applied Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Technology, Biology, Horticulture, Electronic Information Science and Technology, Electrical Engineering and Automation, Electronics Engineering, Computer Science and Technology, Network Engineering, Architecture, Textile Design and Manufacture.
There are also 10 diploma Majors including Law, Tourism Management and Music.
This University has a modern library with a building area of 12,000M2.The library contains fully-equipped laboratories, a computer centre, education centre with electrical aids, a network & information center.

  This University has research facilities with advanced equipment for study into science, technology and teaching method. As well, there are about 70 teaching and practical placements off-campus.
The University provides comfortable student living quarters and extensive sports facilities.
This University has over 30,000 graduates whose education is continually praised by their subsequent employers

           This University has a rich history in education and has always been a gathering place for talent. Our campus is encircled by green hill-s, shady trees and fragrant flowers. These attributes, coupled with modern buildings, create an excellent environment for teaching, resear-ch and study.

           The campus which is near Jinshan Lake covers a total area of 1.6 square kilometers (approx. 397 acres).  Total building  space is over 27,000 square meters.

The total value of the facilities and equipment for teaching and research is 76,166,700 RMB, including over one million books and 609,900 E-Books in the library. 

As the center linking the Guangdong Provincial ERNIC (also a part of CERNIC) in Huizhou Municipality, the University is a part of the well-equipped network.  We have cooperated with 120 off-campus institutions in order to provide students' internship opportunity.


Contract Terms:

Vacancy:                     15

Gender:                       M / F

Degree:                       Bachelor, Master, Ph.D.

Work Experience:      one year teaching experience

Age:                            20-60

Nationality:                American, British, Canadian, Australian, Japanese, etc…

Language:                  English, Japanese

Contract Length:       one year

Start Date:                 February or September

Work Location:         Jinshan Lake Campus

Subjects Available to Teach (According to Specialization): 

                                   English, Japanese, Economics, Law, History, Tourism, Computer, Electronics, Chemistry, Biology, Architecture, Textile, Mathematics, Fine Arts, Music, Physical Education, etc.

Air Fare:                     8000 RMB/year


Teaching periods per week: 16-22 periods (one period is 45 minutes)

Salary:                        5000-8000 RMB (Based on qualifications and experience) plus 60 RMB for water and electricity, 150 RMB for traffic allowance, and 50 RMB for telephone bill.

Holidays: 1) 3.5 - 4 weeks winter vacation

                 2) 6-7 weeks summer vacation

 3) 1 day at Labor Day

 4)  3 days at National Day

 5)  Weekends

 6)  1 day for Christmas or Easter


Other benefits:

Free multiple-entry visa and residence permit.

Medical care available in the university clinic.

Free internet service in the apartment and office.

A free comprehensive medical insurance.

          Fax or post his/her job application, resume, scans of education certificates (including degree), reference letters from two professional referees, and scan of passport if you are interested in teaching and living here.

           This University will arrange accommodations on campus with  kitchen, TV, refrigerator, washing machine, heated shower, air conditi-oner, Internet and necessary furniture. Employees can enjoy Chinese medical service in accordance with China’s medical system at the s-chool clinic.

  If you are interested, you could also send your resume,copies of degrees, passport and general photos to E-mail:


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