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Basic Employer's Information
Employer's ID  NMG406
Views:  8517

View The Employer's Location
Type  Public  University
City  Huhhot Inner Mongolia       
Job name   English teacher
Qualification Certificate   Have
Basic Qualifications for Application
Gender  Both
Vacancy  8
 Bachelor or above
Specialty  Unrequired
Work Experience
Nationality  Native English speakers such as American,British,Canadian,Australian and New Zealander
Other Statements
Contract Terms
Salary   6000 - 8000 RMB/M
Time to teach
 one or half academic year
Start Date   Full
Finish Date
Period/week  16 Period/W
Students' age  20 - 25 years old
Paid Holiday
Apartment  Apartment with two rooms
International Airfare  One-way Medical Allowance  RMB400/Y
Telephone Allowance  Domestic phone call expenses afforded by school Travel Allowance  2200 RMB/Year
Other Allowance

International Airfare: RMB4500/Y
Salary/M:  BA RMB6500; MA RMB7000; Dr. RMB7500
Foreign teachers will teach and live in the new Campus, It takes about half an hour from the old campus by bus.
Free apartment with two rooms , one is the study with the kitchen,one is bedroom(Shower with hot water,TV,washing machine,refrigerator,Microwave ovens,Induction) with washing room.
Notice:  At the foot of Hohot's Mountains, removed from the city center, a great school for those who enjoy hiking or don't want to be in the hustle and bustle of a city center!

Sample Contract
View Contract:   Sample Contract
Contact Information
Contact Person  Angelina's ESL Cafe
 Foreign Affairs Office
Tel No.  +8610-51663658
Fax No.
Brief Introduction about Employer
Brief Introduction to This College

             This College is located in the Jinshan economic and technological development district of Hohhot, the capital city of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (IMAR). Founded in 1956 as one of the state’s key construction projects--the First “Five Years” Plan, sited by the Vice Premier Wulanfu, This College was the first medical institute of higher education built by the central government in an area inhabited by an ethnic minority. It is still the only senior medical institute located in the IMAR. In the beginning, the college was directly under the administration of the Ministry of Health but since 1958 it has been administrated by IMAR. Supported by experts and professors from Peking Medical University, China Medical University, and other medical universities throughout China, This College has trained over 20,000 medical elite over the past 50 years. These graduates of This College contribute to economic development, progress of society, technological innovation and prosperity of Chinese and ethnic minorities in the IMAR. And This College is already becoming a provincial senior medical institute with unique characteristics.

             With an occupied land area of 1,070,200 square meters for the two campuses, This College has a structure area of 320,300 square meters, including 172,400 square meters for teaching and administration. Apparatus and equipment for teaching and researching is valued at 57,444,200 RMB. The library contains 1,056,800 items of medical literature. The library at This College is a center of medical information and provides a reference-data exchange within the national network. It contains a large scale electronic reading room.

             The college is composed of 12 teaching-departments: College of Clinical Medicine, College of Basic Medicine, College of Pharmacology, College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, College of Traditional Mongolian Medicine, College of Public Health Management, College of Public Education, College of Nursing, College of Applied Medical Techniques, College of Graduates, Adults Training Center, and the library. There are two adult training schools and one school of health techniques. There are 31 specialties for undergraduate and three-year programs. In addition, there are 6 leading and 4 key disciplines on clinical medicine, 1 key laboratory, 5 key laboratories on basic and preventive medicine, 5 exemplary centers for experimental teaching of the IMAR. There are 132 student communities and clubs. The school organizes rich campus cultural activities,and achieves great achievement in science and technology field. With a Multi-profession, multi-level multi-form educating structure, the college puts a high premium on undergraduate,as well as that of postgraduate students, junior college students, international students.

             Since 1978, the school started to recruit graduates. In 1981, the college obtained master's degree authorization. At present, 21 specialities and disciplines are authorized to confer master's degree, and to confer a master's degree on coequal knowledge personnel. In 2003 This College became training pilot unit of the master’s degree of clinical medicine. Together with the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine and the Capital University of Medical Sciences, the school develops combined training in five professional doctoral disciplines. The school has 10315 full-time college undergraduates, 760 full-time teachers, 374 master tutors, 5 part-time doctorate tutors, of whom 57 Experts enjoy special government allowances, 23 young and middle-aged experts are named “Yong and Middle-aged Experts who have made outstanding contributions to the Autonomous Region or the State” , 25 first or second level talents of “National Key Talent Project", "New Century Hundred, Thousand, Ten-thousand Talent Project”, 321 higher education "111 Talent Project" of the Autonomous Region.

             Mongolian Medicine Research Institute, Mongolian Medical Museum Cardiovascular Research Institute, Osteology Research Institute of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region are in This College. Since 2004, the school has undertaken 386 research projects of various levels (19 sponsored by State Natural Science Fund), 27 technological progress awards of national, ministerial or provincial level, and 22 teaching achievements. “The disease monitoring and control “ is one of journal series of the Chinese preventive medicine association, “Journal of Inner Mongolia” was named "Chinese colleges characteristic periodicals" by Science Division of Education Administration, and was named as "the source of scientific papers statistical journal" by Scientific and Technological Information Research Institute of China.

             The college has the first affiliated hospital, the second affiliated hospital and the Affiliated People’s Hospital which have advanced technics and equipments and totally possess 2600 beds. The Baotou Steel Workers’ Hospital, the First Machinery Factory’s Hospital are the third and fourth affiliated hospitals to the college. The college has 24 clinical teaching hospitals and 31 practical teaching bases both within and outside Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. Among them, the First Affiliated Hospital has the new inpatient building covering an area of 66000m 2, the Second Affiliated Hospital has the new clinical comprehensive building covering an area of 17000m 2and the main part of the new medical technology building of the People’s Affiliated Hospital which covers an area of 77000m 2 has been topped off. There are enough clinical teaching bases and superior teaching environment and medical conditions in This College.

             The College improves a more open teaching mode, and enhances the international communication among universities in different countries. This College has established long-term cooperation relations with the Beijing University, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Chinese Medicine Academy of Military Medical University, and Capital Medical University. This College promotes multi-level academic exchanges and co operations with colleges and scientific research units which are located in Japan, the United States, Britain, Australia, and Russia, Mongolia and other countries and regions.

             In recent years, the national leaders, Bu he, Wuyunqimuge, leaders of Ministry of Education, ZhouYuanqing, leaders of autonomous region, such as YangJing, Bateer, Wu lan repeatedly carried out inspection and guidance. They affirmed achievements the school acquired in reform, development and construction. Leaders of countries and regions express their keen desire on their inscriptions on school, comrade Liu yunshan captioned"cultivate angels in white, service people of nationalities ", Buhe comrade captioned "development of medical education, improvement of people's health level" Comrade WuYunJiMuGe captioned " pursue aspiration with the moral and medical education, utilize their Chinese and west medicine to help people", comrade LianJi captioned "fifty years’ hard working, vigorous efforts will continue its renewal".

Sample Contract

   This College  (hereinafter called Party A) wishes to engage the service of ____________ (hereinafter called Party B) as a full-time foreign teacher. The two parties, in the spirit of friendly cooperation, have entered into an agreement to sign this contract and pledge to fulfill conscientiously and comply with all the obligations stipulated in it.
.The term of service is from _______ to ______. By mutual consultation, both parties shall make the decision on whether to extend employment two months before the contract is due.
. The duties of Party B are listed as follows:
A. Party B shall complete an average of 16 teaching period per week, 50 minutes each period on Xinhua Campus; and 45 minutes each period on Jinshan Campus.
B. Party B shall undertake English classes for graduate and some undergraduate students, and helping students on English extracurricular activities to improve their communicative skills in English, including helping students to prepare for English Speaking Contest, and helping English majors to edit English newspapers (at least 2issues per term), etc.
C. Party B shall Undertake English training programs for teachers of English, working doctors and students so as to enhance their comprehensive English skills both in teaching and in learning.
D. Party B shall conduct regular English lectures and English Corners.
E. Party B shall compile English textbooks; undertake tape recordings and other relevant work in English.
.Demands on Party B
A. Party B shall observe any laws and relevant regulations enacted by the Chinese government, the work systems of Party A, as well as the regulations concerning administration of foreign teachers.
B. Party B shall render positive co-operation and fulfill the tasks assigned in this contract.
C. Party B shall accept Party A’s arrangements, directions, supervision and evaluation in regard to his or her work. Without Party A ‘s consent, Party B shall not render any service elsewhere or hold concurrently any post unrelated to the work agreed on with Party A.
D. Party B shall accept teaching task arrangements assigned by Foreign Languages Institute, and conscientiously complete each task agreed on schedule according to the contract and guarantee the quality of work.
E. Party B shall fulfill the teaching tasks according to Party A’s requirements and keep the teaching time. Party B shall not be late for, leave early and be absent from class without any excuse.
F. Party B shall ask for a leave from the dean of Foreign Languages Institute beforehand if Party B can not give classes on time, and Party B shall make up for the missing classes on another time arranged by Foreign Languages Institute. Party B’s unexcused absences without asking for a leave will be treated as breach of contract.
Remuneration for Party B:
A. Party A shall pay Party B a monthly salary of RMB5500 Yuan from the date Party B commences to work (excluding summer and winter holidays); When the working days last shorter than a whole month, Party A shall pay Party B according to the actual working days of Party B; It follows this rule of payment standard: (monthly salary/30days) X actual working days. The salary will be paid on the first week of each month. If Party B need to work any hours more than the contract prescribed, Party A will pay Party B  RMB 85 Yuan  for each class period in addition to the monthly salary.
B. Party B shall have holidays as legally prescribed by the Chinese Government and enjoy vacations based on the school calendar. When Party B finishes working a full academic year in IMMC, Party A shall pay Party B a traveling allowance of RMB 1100 Yuan for each vacation (including summer and winter vocations). The allowance will be paid one week before each vacation.
C. Party A shall go through formalities for foreign expert certificate and resident permit for Party B and pay for related expenses.
D. Party A shall provide Party B with free accommodations and necessary living facilities. Party A shall pay the bill for water, electricity, heating, gas and local telephone calls. Party B shall pay for long-distance telephone calls and internet access. 
E. Party A shall reimburse Party B RMB400 Yuan each academic year as medical care allowance (at the end of each academic year). Medical costs caused by unexpected situations shall be discussed and decided by both parties according to the relative regulations of the Chinese government and relative departments on Foreign Affairs.
F. When Party B finishes his working for the 1st full academic year (two full terms) in IMMC, and terminates the contract; Party A shall pay Party B RMB4500 Yuan airfare for return home ticket allowance. If Party A extends employment contract with Party B, Party A shall pay a renewal bonus of  RMB 2000 Yuan to Party B on the second academic year of employment. By analogy, during the time of further employment, Party A shall pay additional renewal bonus of RMB 1000 Yuan each year to Party B on the basis of RMB 2000 Yuan in his or her 2nd  employment year, that is, a renewal bonus of RMB 3000 Yuan in his 3rd year of employment, a renewal bonus of RMB 4000 Yuan in his 4th employment year and so on until the time of contract termination. Party A shall pay Party B this renewal bonus soon after both parties sign the renewal contract. When the renewal contract is terminated by both parties, Party A shall pay Party B RMB4500 Yuan airfare as return home ticket allowance.
. Evaluations on Party B
By the end of an academic year, School of Foreign Language shall evaluate the teaching performance of Party B based on his/ her work and the students’ feedback and so on. It is a basis for Party A to extend employment or terminate the contract with Party B.  
. Both parities shall abide by the contract and should not terminate, cancel or revise the contract without mutual consent. Party B shall give Party A the notice of termination and the reason for it 30 days ahead if Party B wishes to terminate the contract. The salary and remuneration for Party B shall be stopped on the day when Party A consents to the termination. Either party shall continuously execute the contract before the other party gives the consent to the termination.
.If any dispute should arise in the fulfillment of the agreement, both parties are to settle it through negotiation.
. Party A are entitled to terminate the contract in any of the following cases:
A. If Party B violates any terms of the itemⅡ and Ⅲ and fails to pass the teaching evaluation, Party A shall has the right to terminate the contract and require Party B a breach penalty of US $500-2000(or the equivalent in RMB).
B. For the reason of health with a doctor’s certificate, Party B is unable to continue his work after 30 days of sick leave, Party A has the right to terminate the contract ahead of time and, based on the health condition of Party B, arrange for him to leave China for home within 30 days.
. Party B is entitled to terminate the contract in any of the following cases:
A. If Party A violates any terms of item IV and fails to correct it after Party B notifies Party A of such violation, Party B is entitled to terminate the contract.
B. If Party B asks to cancel the contract due to event of force majeure, he should send a certificate of the event issued by the relevant authorities to obtain Party A’s consent, and pay for his /her return expenses by himself / herself.
. Either party fails to meet its contractual obligations or performs them in a manner which is not in conformity with the agreed terms shall pay the other party a breach penalty of US $500-2000. This contract shall come into force from the date Party B commences to work, and ceases to be effective after its term is due.
 This contract is signed in the Chinese and English languages, both texts being equally valid.
   Party A:                              Party B:
 Date:                              Date:


Requirement Form for Foreign Teachers of This This College

College category : public
Certification classification : A1
二、Teacher Requirements
Teaching Post : □fulltime □part time
Nationality : □USA □Britain □Canada □Australia  □New Zealand □other
Sex : □male □female □unlimited
Degree : □Bachelor □Master □Doctor
Specialty : □language/literature □education □unlimited
Work experience : □No □one year □three years 
□above three years   □unlimited
Rank : □foreign teacher □foreign expert
Age : □20-35 □35-50 □50-62 □unlimited
Language : □English
Teacher required : □one □two □three □four □five
三、Teaching Workload and schedule :
Course : □oral □reading □writing
Teaching hours : □14 teaching hours/week □50 minutes/teaching hour
Students type : □undergraduates □postgraduates
Class-size : ____ persons/class
Teaching appliance : recorder , projection , Lab , computer ,
multi-media classroom
Other teaching activities : □English corner □lecture
四、Finance and Accommodation Arrangement :
Monthly Salary(RMB): about 3500 yuan/month for BA
               about 4000 yuan/month for MA
               about 4500 yuan/month for Ph.D
(allowance if good teaching result)
Apartment : □free □located in campus
Apartment Layout : □Kitchen □bathroom □bedroom 
□living room
Airfares : □Single trip/ year
Living facilities :  Computer with internet access
            Color TV
            Washing machine
            electric water heater
            a set of cooking utensils
            gas stove
            a bed ,dresser or ward robe for clothes storage,
            a desk and chair , proper lighting , bookshelf
            sofas and table
Telephone bill : College pays the local bill
Medical care : in or near the campus (We have attached hospital in the campus)
           Reimbursement of 800 yuan/year for medicine
Vacations with salary : two month/year
Travel allowance : 2200 yuan/year
  If you are interested, you could also send your resume,copies of degrees, passport and general photos to  

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