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Basic Employer's Information
Employer's ID  AH165
Views:  6332

View The Employer's Location
Type  Public  University
City  Bengbu Anhui       
Job name   English Teahchers
Qualification Certificate   Have
Basic Qualifications for Application
Gender  Both
Vacancy  1
 Bachelor or above
Specialty  Unrequired
Work Experience
Nationality  Native English speaker(Canadian, American, British , Australian or European national who can command English like a native speaker)
Other Statements

Teachers might be expected to teach English in their cooperative school.4 or 5 class period per week.

Contract Terms
Salary   6000 - 7000 RMB/M
Time to teach
 One academic year or a half
Start Date  Sep.2014
Finish Date
Period/week  18 Period/W
 Oral English,Audio-Visual English,
Students' age  18 - 25 years old
Paid Holiday
2 Month/Year
Apartment  apartment with two bedrooms
International Airfare  Roundtrip Medical Allowance  1000RMB/Y
Telephone Allowance  RMB100/m as allowance Travel Allowance  2200 RMB/Year
Other Allowance

Private Apartment   Internet Private Bedroom TV Private Kitchen Air Conditioning/ Heating Private Bathroom Phone Furniture Water Washing Machine Electricity Refrigerator Gas

Sample Contract
View Contract:   
Contact Information
Contact Person  Angelina's ESL Cafe
 Foreign Affairs Office
Tel No.  +8610-51663658
Fax No.
Brief Introduction about Employer


A Brief Introcduction to the This University


  This University, located in the east suburb of Bengbu city, is a full-time regular university of Anhui province. The university was established in 1950. In 1965 it began the undergraduate courses, in 1985 it was named Anhui Agro-technical Teachers university. And in April 2000, with the permission of the Ministry of Education, it was renamed its present name.
  Over the past 50 years, the university has developed into a comprehensive teachers university with sciences, arts, engineering, management, laws, agronomy and medicine in coordinate development. There are 8 speciality departments—Agronomy, Animal Science, Trade and Economic, Applied Biology, Foreign Languages, Social Sciences, Basic Sciences, Engineering and Technology. With the registered on-campus students totaling 76 00, not including the 3037 adult education students, the university has a staff of 620, and 354 of them are full-time teachers. There are 140 professors and associate professors in the university, 38 provincial subject-leading men and excellent middle-aged and young model-teachers, 22 national, provincial excellent teachers, including those who have been granted the special allowance from the State Council and the Anhui Province Government. The university invites 25 professors and foreign teachers.

The foreign teacher is communicating with student in his apartment-2

  The conditions for running the university are fairly good at present. The university covers an area of 900,000 square meter, with a building area of over 170, 000 square meters. The school library, equipped with modern electronic reading-rooms and “Chao-xing” digital library, has a collection of over 400, 000 volumes, plus more than 2, 000 Chinese and foreign periodicals, newspapers and magazines. The university has established its own campus-network and it is linked with the international network and the Chinese Education and Research Network. Computer centers, test analysis centers, biology and technology centers, and a series of well-equipped labs are being in use. The cost of teaching facilities amounts to 30, 000, 000 Yuan. There are 370 Mu teaching-bases in the university, for which 5, 000, 000 Yuan has been put into the building of plant-cultivating field, the animal husbandry field, the food-processing field. A large number of modern equipment and new animals and plants varieties were introduced in the three fields. The university also has more than 20 provincial teaching-practice-bases. Tennis courts, volleyball courts, standard sports grounds and activity centers for students have been built and put into use. The university publishes The Journal of ATTC and ATTC Paper.

The Foreign Teachers

  Owing to the good management, the campus stands in quiet and graceful surroundings covered by foliage and sweet flowers all around the year. The university has a tense atmosphere of university culture. It was rewarded the title of Advanced Unit in Anhui university Campus Cultural Activities, and Garden university. The university rests on the primacy of university teachers education and clings to the human-oriented and quality-first teaching principle. It constantly emphasizes the paramount importance of teaching, attaches great importance to the optimization of subject construction. The improvement of teaching quality has created its own characteristics. Basing on developing students’ political quality and solid speciality, the university takes great efforts to cultivate students’ practical and creative abilities through multi-certification policies and university students’ creativity and science funds. The rate of students’ employment heads the universitys of its kind in Anhui province and the situation remains in good prospect. It has been granted the title Advanced Unit in National Students Social Practice for 11 successive years by the Propaganda Department of CPC, Ministry of Education and Central Committee of the Communist Youth-League.

The foreign teacher is surfing the Internet-2

  The university has exchanged experiences with many foreign universities of France, Korea, Japan, German, Australia, etc. It frequently invites foreign experts and scholars to give lectures, and also sends excellent teachers to USA, Korea, Japan, German, Australia for visits and further studies and researches.
  Confronted with the new century and great challenges, the university broadens thoughts, exerts efforts to make it prosperous, goes forward with keen determination and tries to apply the brain-will-straighten-the-university policy to make it a unit who can confer master-degree. Thus the number of the students of over 10, 000 and the qualifications to confer master-degree will be expected in the following 3 years. The university will become a comprehensive one with solid strength and special characteristics.

The Foreign Teachers

Kitchen Appliance

I. Party A _____wishes to engage the service of Party B _____as English teacher. The two parties, in a spirit of friendly cooperation, agree to sign this contract and pledge to fulfill conscientiously all the obligations stipulated in it.

II. The period of service will be from September 2006 to June 2007.

III. The duties of Party B (see attached pages).

IV. Party B’s monthly salary will be ¥___ RMB, 70% of which can be converted into foreign currency monthly. Party B’s other rights (see attached pages).

V. Party A’s Obligations
1. Party A shall introduce to Party B the laws, decrees and relevant regulations enacted by the Chinese government, the Party A’s work system and regulations concerning administration of foreign experts.
2. Party A shall conduct direction, supervision and evaluation of Party B’s work.
3. Party A shall provide Party B necessary working and living conditions.
4. Party A shall provide co—workers.
5. Party A shall pay party B’s salary regularly by the month.

VI. Party B’s Obligations
1. Party B shall observe the laws, decrees and relevant regulations enacted by the Chinese government and shall not interfere in China’s internal affairs.
2. Party B shall observe Party A’s work system and regulations concerning administration of foreign experts and shall accept Party A’s arrangement, direction, supervision and evaluation in regard to his/her work. Without Party A’s consent, Party B shall not render service elsewhere or hold concurrently any post unrelated to the work agreed on with Party A.
3. Party B shall complete the tasks agreed on schedule and guarantee the quality of work.
4. Party B shall respect China’s religious policy, and shall not conduct religious activities incompatible with the status of an expert.
5. Party B shall respect the Chinese people’s moral standards and customs.

VII. Revision, Cancellation and Termination of the Contract
1. Both parties should abide by the contract and should refrain from revising, canceling, or terminating the contract without mutual consent.
2. The contract can be revised, canceled, or terminated with mutual consent. Before both parties have reached an agreement, the contract should be strictly observed.
3. Party A has the right to cancel the contract with a written notice to Party B under the following conditions:
(1) Party B does not fulfill the contract or does not fulfill the contract obligations according to the terms stipulated, and has failed to amend after Party A has pointed it out.
(2) According to the doctor’s diagnosis, Party B cannot resume normal work after a continued 30day sick leave.
4. Party B has the right to cancel the contract with a written notice to Party A under the following conditions:
(1) Party A has not provided Party B with necessary working and living conditions as stipulated in the contract.
(2) Party A has not paid Party B as scheduled.

VIII. Breach Penalty
When either of the two parties fails to fulfill the contract or fails to fulfill the contract obligations according to the terms stipulated, that is, breaks the contract, it must pay a breach penalty of US $ 500 to 2,000(or the equivalent in RMB).
If Party B asks to cancel the contract due to events beyond control, it should produce certifications by the department concerned, obtain Party A’s consent, and pay its own return expenses; if Party B cancel the contract without valid reason, it should pay its own return expenses and pay a breach penalty to Party A.
If Party A asks to cancel the contract due to events beyond control, with the consent of Party B, it should pay Party B’s return expenses; if Party A cancel the contract without valid reason, it should pay Party B’s return expenses and pay a breach penalty to Party B.

IX. The appendix of this contract is an inseparable part of the contract and has equal effect.

X. This contract takes effect on the date signed by both parties and will automatically expire when the contract ends. If either of the two parties asks for a new contract, it should forward its request to another party 90 days prior to the expiration of the contract, and sign the new contract with mutual consent.
Party B shall bear all expenses incurred when staying on after the contract expires.

XI. Arbitration
The two parties shall consult with each other and mediate any disputes that may arise about the contract. If all attempts fail, the two parties can appeal to the organization of arbitration for foreign experts affairs in the State Bureau of Foreign Experts and ask for a final arbitration.

This Contract is signed at _________ , in the ______day March of 2006.


                                 Party A                                  Party B
                                (Signature)                          (Signature)

Additional Documents

Ⅰ.Workload for Party B
Party B will conduct not more than 18 hours (one hour =45 minutes of teaching time, 5 minute break) per week for English majors and the students of our attached primary school.

Ⅱ.Additional Pay and Conditions for Party B
1.Party A will pay for party B’s air ticket for air travel from abroad to China and return if Party B completes the duration of the contract. One- way is payable at the end of each semester.
2. Party A will provide Party B with a free flat (including 2 bedrooms, a sitting room, a kitchen, a bathroom and some furniture). Also, Party A can supply Party B with air-conditioning, a computer with printer, a TV set, a refrigerator, a microwave oven, a washing machine and a water heater. All utilities (water, electricity) are paid by Party A (Except gas).
3. Party B can have access to IDD phone and Internet in the flat. And Party A will pay the telephone bill within RMB 100 yuan per month while Party B should pay the rest of the phone bill above RMB 100 yuan if there is.
4.Party A will offer Party B RMB 2200 yuan for tour if Party B works for one year, half payable after each semester. And Party B’s extra work will be paid at RMB 80 Yuan per hour (45 minutes teaching, 5 minutes break).
5. Party A will pay Party B a total of 10 monthly salaries for the duration of the contract, including all holidays and Winter vacation.
6. Party A will handle the issue of residence and expert permit for Party B, without any charge to Party B.

III. Address of Foreign Expert Bureau for mediation of disputes is: NO.5 Building in Friendship Hotel, NO.1 South Street of Zhongguan Cun, Bejing.


Can friends and relatives visit the teacher at the school



What is the size of the school in AreaHow many buildings at the school?




What is the name of the nearest large city?

City:城市:  蚌埠/南京         

Population人口:  5  Million
Distance between cities:                

Is the school located in the downtown area?


No  _40__ minutes away by bus  不是,坐公交30分钟。

Temperature City range


Summer夏天    20  C ——       36  C

Winter冬天       10  C ——        1  C

How many students are at the school? 学生人数?


How many teachers at the school? 教师人数?


What level of Institution is the school?

Kindergarten  Primary  Middle school  High school

College University Adults

How many students per class (on average)?

4-10  15-20   20-35   Around 35

What is the Students English level

Beginner   Basic基础   Intermediate中级  Advanced高级

Will the school provide the teaching curriculum?


Yes   No

What Course is the foreign teacher expected to teach? 

Oral口语 Reading阅读Written写作Conversation会话

English Background 英语背景知识Grammar语法 Listening听力English for Academic Purposes (EAP) Programs IELTS雅思, and TOEFL  托福 Business English
化学  Math数学 Physics物理  Biology生物

What teaching materials/aids should teachers bring with them to China and the school?


Teachers are free to incorporate learning activities and games as part of their teaching. Materials that provide an insight into the Foreign Teachers country, its customs and culture, are encouraged.
Teachers are also encouraged to bring with them materials such as newspapers, magazines etc that provide information on “western” culture and society as well as DVD’s etc of television programs etc










Yes  No


Yes  No



Yes  No

Library (English)

Yes  No




Yes  No

Gymnasium for use by teachers

Yes  No

Cafe 咖啡

Western Restaurants and food available?

Yes  No

Dining Room for teachers

Yes  No


Night Club/Disco


Yes  No

Train station火车站
Bus Station

Yes No


In an emergency, how far is it to the best medical facilities?


________Minutes分钟  walk

Are the Medical Facilities available?


Yes  No

Type of Position


Full Time 全职Teaching 教学 Summer Camp夏令营  
Winter Camp 冬令营 Administrative 管理
Both Teaching and Administrative教学和管理相结合

How many class hours per week


What is the duration of each class? 每节课多长时间(分钟)

  40-45  Minutes/Class

What is the monthly salary to be paid to the teacher? 外教月工资多少?



How many days per week will the teacher being teaching?

4-5 Days per week

Type of work schedule

Five days a week (from Monday to Friday)(周一到周五)
Five days a week (may have to work on weekends and have some weekdays off) 每周五天(周末上班平时有两天休息时间)

What time of day are the classes

Daytime 白天  Evenings晚上

Is over time work available?

How much per hour/class?


Yes       No

  100    Yuan/class

When is the pay day each month?


The 12th day of the month. (around)  

Has the school employed Foreign Teachers before?

Yes       No

Will the school reimburse teachers airfare?



How much


Yes       No

Round Way/Return (for 1-year contract) One Way(for half-year contract)

Maximum reimbursement _______________RMB

Additional Note: ________________________

When will the employment contract be offered the teacher?


Will the school provide the teachers Chinese Z Working Visa documentation


Before the teacher’s arrival教师来校前

After the teacher’s arrival 教师来校后


Yes       No

Will the school organize a friendly Bank Account?

Yes       No

Will the school, upon the teacher’s arrival, provide the teachers Chinese Residency Permit and Foreign Experts Certificate?

Yes       No

What is the contract period


What months are included in the contract period?合同包含月份

One Semester一个学期

Two Semesters 两个学期
 From          to           

If two semesters, can the teacher remain on school premises during holiday periods?

Yes       No

Will the school provide airport pick up service?  学校是否提供给场接机服务?

Yes       No (depends)

Will the school provide medical insurance? 学校是否提供医疗保险?

Yes       No

What holidays does the school provide over the contract period?


All National Holidays (these are National Day, Dragon Boat Day, Mid Autumn Festival, Ancestors Day, May Day) 国家法定节日
Christmas Day  圣诞节
New Years Day 元旦

Winter holidays/Chinese Spring Festival - ____4__weeks 寒假

Summer Holidays - __7_ weeks  暑假

Others _________________________ 其他

Does the teacher get paid over the holidays?


Yes         5000  Yuan


If different to the teachers monthly salary, How Much? 具体金额


Has the Foreign Teachers apartment been authorized by the SAFEA Bureau and Provincial Education Department? 外教公寓是否符合外专局标准?

Yes       No

What is the floor space of the apartment?


If off campus, how far away from the   school? 还是在校外? 若在校外,距离多远?

On Campus  校内

Off Campus  校外              Km from the school

Is accommodation self-contained?


Yes       No


Yes  No

  2  Room(s)

Sitting Room客厅

Yes  No

  1   Room(s)


Yes  No



European/Western Toilet坐式马桶

Yes  No


Bathtub/ Shower浴缸/淋浴

Yes  No

Shower only只有淋浴


Yes  No



Cooking Facilities厨具

Yes  No

Basic cooking utilities are provided

School canteen is available

Yes  No



Is the Apartment Shared?   Yes  No

How many other people share the living quarters? 几名外教合住?

One  Two  Not applicable (N/A)

Shared bathroom? 公用卫生间?

Shared kitchen? 公用厨房?

One  Two  Not applicable (N/A)

Shared Laundry?公用洗衣房?

One  Two  Not applicable (N/A)

Is the apartment is fully furnished and fully self contained?   Yes      No

Color TV


(CCTV9) English Channel 英语频道

A-Z miscellaneous items (bedding, blanket, pillow, towel, sleeper, etc.) basic bedding provided.地毯.枕头.毛巾.拖鞋

Yes     No

Yes     No

Yes      No

Refrigerator 冰箱

Furniture? 全套家具?

Yes      No

Yes      No

Washing Machine 洗衣/烘干设备?

24-hour supply of electricity/hot water/gas?

Yes      No

Yes      No

Air Conditioning 空调

Basic Cooking Utilities Provided (plates, glasses, cups, pots, pans)? 各式炊具盘子,玻璃杯子,茶杯,,平底锅

Yes      No

Yes      No

Microwave/oven 微波炉或烤箱

Telephone (IDD)电话

Yes      No

Yes      No

Computer with Internet Access 电脑(能上网)

Does the school provide a bicycle? 学校是否提供自行车?

Yes Available in the apartment

Yes Available in the Foreign Teachers Office



No, but these can be bought for about 100RMB











Phone local 市话费

Long Distance 长途话费

Internet Connection 上网费









If the telephone is below RMB100 per month, the university pays it. While in the case that the fee rises above RMB100, the university pays the maximum of RMB100 and foreign expert pays the rest.



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