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The position of your now£º Index >>¡¡Anhui Agricultural University
Job Opportunities
English as a Second Language(ESL) in China
¡¡¡¡There are some positions, Teaching English as a Second Language in China, opening each year for native speakers of English at the Anhui Agricultural University, Hefei City, Anhui Province, P. R. China.


¡¡¡¡Anhui Agricultural University (AAU), located in the capital city of Anhui Province, is a prestigious teaching-and-research based university under the auspices of Anhui Province.
¡¡¡¡It was founded in 1928 and established as Agricultural College under National Anhui University in 1935 and in 1995 was officially named as Anhui Agricultural University. The campus covers an area of 212 hectares, with beautiful views of trees and flowers like a garden smelling of fragrance all year round. In the western suburbs of Hefei, 100-hectare High-Tech Agricultural Garden is newly built. There are more than 1.8 million books in the school library, including 1500 kinds of periodicals in Chinese and many other languages. With a well-functioning computer network, AAU has 19 colleges, offering 46 undergraduate programs, 33 graduate and 5 Ph.D ones , plus 3 additional Agricultural Master¡¯s Degree Awarding Programs. Most important of all, AAU possesses 1 national, 2 provincial key laboratories, 9 provincial key disciplines, 2 provincial key programs and 1 provincial research base for humanities and social science. The university faculty and staff members account for 1459, among whom there are 718 in-service academic staff - 103 professors and 202 associate professors. More than 20,000 students are studying in the university.
¡¡¡¡AAU attaches great importance to domestic and international exchanges and cooperation in the academic fields and has built links with 29 overseas universities, colleges and research institutes. A lot of foreign students have registered in AAU courses such as Tea Science and Tea Culture, Silviculture, Horticulture, Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, etc. More than 200 AAU academic staff have been overseas for academic research or further studies.
¡¡¡¡Anhui Province, where AAU is located, is rich in natural scenic spots and historical relics. Yellow Mountain is a natural and cultural heritage approved by UNESCO; Xidi and Hongcun villages dates back to the Song Dynasty a thousand years ago; Jiuhua Mountain is one of the four famous Buddhist shrines in China while Qiyun Mountain one of the famous Taoist ones. Two major rivers, Chang Jiang (Yangtzi) River and Huaihe River, runs across Anhui Province. It is also famous for its rich and colorful domestic folklores, in the South Hui Culture (Hui is short for Anhui in ancient Chinese) and Huaihe Culture in the North. AAU lies luckily in connection of all these resorts and scenic spots.
¡¡¡¡Anhui Agricultural University warmly welcomes scholars all over the world to teach and do research on this beautiful campus.

¡¡¡¡School of Agronomy
¡¡¡¡School of Plant Protection
¡¡¡¡School of Horticulture
¡¡¡¡School of Forestry and Landscape Architecture
¡¡¡¡School of Animal Science
¡¡¡¡School of Tea and Food Technology
¡¡¡¡School of Life Science
¡¡¡¡School of Agriculture Resources and Environment
¡¡¡¡School of Agricultural Technology
¡¡¡¡School of Light Industry and Textile Design
¡¡¡¡School of Humanities & Social science
¡¡¡¡School of Information & Computing Science
¡¡¡¡School of Economics and Business
¡¡¡¡School of Administration and Management
¡¡¡¡School of Foreign Languages
¡¡¡¡School of Science
¡¡¡¡School of Continuous Education
¡¡¡¡School of Vocational Training
¡¡¡¡School of Modern AG Administration and Technology

Contract between AAU and Foreign Teacher

¡¡¡¡Party A, Anhui Agricultural University, wishes to engage the service of Party B_________
as an English language teacher. Both parties, in a spirit of friendly cooperation, agree to sign this contract and pledge to fulfill conscientiously all the obligations stipulated in it.

  • I. Duration of Contract
    This contract shall be valid from March 1st , 2005 to January 31st , 2006.
  • II. Salary Standard
    The first 3 month is the internship period. During this period, the payment of Party B is as follows:
    3000 RMB per month for the Bachelor Degree
    4000 RMB per month for the Master Degree
    5000 RMB per month for the Doctoral Degree
    At the end of the third month, if Party B passes the academic assessment taken by AAU Academic Board of Party A, Party A shall promote Party B¡¯s salary by 1000RMB more per month as-of the fourth month until the termination of the contract. The 15th of each month is the pay day. Party B can have 11-month payment each year, 70% among which can be converted to US dollars if needed. (If Party B has a TESL/TEFL certificate, Party A can reduce or cancel the internship.)
  • III. Party A¡¯s Obligations
    1. Party A shall introduce to Party B the laws, decrees and relevant regulations enacted by the Chinese government as well as Party A¡¯s work system and regulations of foreign experts.
    2. Party A shall provide Party B a 50 square-meter apartment on campus with a bathroom, a bedroom, one kitchen and a living room. Party A also provide furniture as well as household appliance and facilities including bedding items, kitchen utensils, bathroom equipment, a refrigerator, a TV set, an air conditioner, a television, as well as a washing machine etc.
    3. Party A shall pay Party B¡¯s salary on time by month. Party A also provide Party B 300 RMB per month as the allowance of electricity, tap water and gas. If Party B exceeds the quota, Party B shall pay for the extra amount.
    4. Party A shall provide Party B the same medical welfare as its domestic teachers. According to Party A¡¯s medical system, Party B shall be treated at Party A¡¯s clinic or other hospital(s) for foreign experts with the approval of Party A. Party A will burden 80% of Party B¡¯s medical cost other than the following expenses:
    1) Expenses incurred in registration, doctor¡¯s home visits, fitting false teeth, cleaning teeth, undergoing cosmetic surgery , massage, hot or healing baths and buying spectacles;
    2) Medical expenses during Party B¡¯s stay outside Hefei, China.
    3) Treatment for pre-existing diseases or circumstances.
    5. Party A shall provide Party B a co-teacher for assistance.
    6. Party A shall provide Party B a non-stop round-trip ticket after Party B¡¯s two-semester service; provide party B the half-price allowance of a non-stop round-trip ticket after Party B¡¯s one-semester service. The air ticket should be bought or approved by Party A. Airfare should be paid one month before the termination of the contract.
  • IV. Party B¡¯s Obligations
    1. Party B shall observe the laws, decrees and relevant regulations enacted by the Chinese government and shall not interfere in Chinese internal affairs. Party B shall also respect China¡¯s religious policy and Chinese people¡¯s moral standards and customs. Party B shall not conduct religious activities incompatible with the status of an expert.
    2. Party B shall observe Party A¡¯s work system and regulations concerning administration of foreign experts and shall accept Party A¡¯s arrangement, direction, supervision and evaluation in regard to his/her work. Without Party A¡¯s consent, Party B shall not render service elsewhere or hold concurrently any post unrelated to the work agreed on with Party A.
    3. Party B shall complete the teaching tasks agreed on on the schedule and guarantee the quality in the discipline of English language teaching, such as speaking, writing, reading, literature and culture. In addition, Party B shall participate in some other academic activities such as workshops, meetings or tutorials in students¡¯ extracurricular activities if needed.
    4. Party B is responsible for the planning, teaching and grading of the assigned classes in accordance with Party A¡¯s requirements as well as checking students¡¯ attendance and fulfilling administrative duties.
    5. Party B¡¯s course load will not exceed 18 sessions(45 minutes per session) per week from Monday to Friday. Party B can enjoy the public holidays of China with payment.
  • V. Visa and Other Legal Documents
    Party A shall pay the cost of Party B¡¯s visa application and residence permit in Hefei during the year of the Contract whereas Party B shall guarantee the authenticity and legitimacy of his/her documents. If Party B returns to homeland for his/her private affairs during the contract year, (s)he shall pay the cost of his/her extra visa application.
  • VI. Revision, Cancellation and Termination of the Contract
    1. Both parties should abide by the Contract and should refrain from revising, canceling or terminating the Contract without mutual consent.
    2. The Contract can be revised, canceled or terminated with mutual consent. Before both parties have reached an agreement, the contract should be strictly observed.
    3. Party A has the right to terminate the Contract with a written notice to Party B under the following conditions:
    1) Party B has not fulfilled the Contract or the Contract obligations according to the terms stipulated, or has failed to amend after Party A has pointed it out.
    2) According to the doctor¡¯s diagnosis, Party b cannot resume his/her work regularly after a continued 4-week sick leave.
    3) Due to events beyond control, such as the war or natural disaster.
    4. Party B has the right to terminate the Contract with a written notice to Party A under the following conditions:
    1) Party A has not provided Party B with necessary working or living conditions as stipulated in the Contract.
    2) Party A has failed to pay Party B as scheduled in the Contract.
    3) Due to events beyond control, such as the war or natural disaster or disease.
  • VII. Breach Penalty
    1. If Party A asks to terminate the Contract due to events beyond control, it should obtain Party B¡¯s consent, and pay him/her return expenses. If Party A terminates the Contract without valid reason, it should pay Party B¡¯s return expenses and a breach penalty of one-month salary to Party B as well.
    2. If Party B asks to terminate the Contract due to events beyond control, it should produce certifications by the department concerned, obtain Party A¡¯s consent, and pay its own return expenses. If Party B terminates the Contract without valid reason, it should pay his/her return expenses and a breach penalty of one-month salary to Party A as well.
    3. If Party B breaks Chinese laws or decrees, Party A has the right to terminate the Contract or fire Party B immediately without paying him/her return expenses or a breach penalty.
    4. Under normal circumstances, the party who intends to terminate the Contract should give a written notice four weeks in advance to the other party, otherwise should pay a breach contract.
  • VIII. Arbitration
    The two parties shall consult with each other and mediate any disputes which may arise about the contract. If all attempts fail, the two parties can appeal to the organization of arbitration for foreign expert affairs in the State Bureau of Foreign Experts and ask for a final arbitration.
  • IX. This Contract takes effect on the date signed by both parties and will automatically expire when its request to the other party 90 days prior to the expiration of the contract, and sign the new contract with mutual consent. Party B shall bear all his/her expenses incurred when staying on after the contract expires.

    This Contract is signed at ___________, in duplicate, this ___________ day of __________, 2005, in the Chinese and English languages, both texts being equally authentic.


¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡International Office of (stamped) ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡(signed)
¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡Anhui Agricultural University

Address: 130 West Changjiang Rd., Hefei, Anhui.
Post code: 230036
Telephone: 86-551-2823720 or 86-551-2823795 ext. 3117
Fax: 86-551-5120833
Webside address:
Contact person: Linda Wenli Ho

¡¡¡¡If you are interested, you could also send your resume,copies of degrees, passport and general photos to

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